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Negative Ion Lamp

Negative Ion Lamp

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Desk Lamp with Negative Ion Device-1


The Desk Lamp with Negative Ion Device 
that could release 30,000 NAIs/s

Compare the concentration in waterfalls and streams 
can be up to 10,000/cm³ after a thunderstorm

山清水秀 加字 s.jpg

Lead you have a frash air experience when your reading or watch TV or film via mobile phone

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Desk Lamp with Negative Ion Device


The Desk Lamp with Negative Ion Device 
that could release 30,000 NAIs/s

Compare the concentration in waterfalls and streams 
can be up to 10,000/cm³ after a thunderstorm

山清水秀 加字 s.jpg

Lead you have a frash air experience when your reading or watch TV or film via mobile phone

山水 1.jpg


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